Oct. 1: Soundadvice blurbs for singer Gretchen Parlato (there's a JazzTimes feature forthcoming on her as well) and for the final edition of the SciFi Philly series; and a review of Paris.
Oct. 8: Soundadvice blurbs for Orrin Evans' Tarbaby and Han Bennink's new Third Man Trio, and a pick for Cuong Vu's mind-blowing electric quartet.
Oct. 15: A review of Spike Jonze's somber rethinking of Where the Wild Things Are; a review of Chris Rock's doc Good Hair, playing in the Philly Film Fest; a book review, of R. Crumb's illustrated version of Genesis (the Biblical version, not the prog-rock-turned-schmaltz-pop band); and Soundadvice blurbs for Phantom Limb with trumpeter Nate Wooley and Arturo Stable at the Painted Bride.
Oct. 22: A feature on Malcolm McLaren, whose series of "musical portraits", Shallow 1-21, is on exhibit at PAFA; reviews of Chris Rock's Good Hair (expanded from the Film Fest version) and the ad-world doc Art & Copy; and Soundadvice blurbs for Ben Goldberg's supergroup quartet Go Home and Dave Douglas' Brass Ecstasy, preforming Don Cherry.
Oct. 29: A short piece on the Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival.
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